Nashville Warbler (David Bell) |
I am sad to say that this will be our last blog of the 2021 fall migration season. It has been a wonderful season with a great crew of banders, and as always, the very best volunteers!
Owl banding continues until the 31st of October and there are still a few shifts left. But act quick because they are going fast. Check out our Facebook and Instagram posts for further updates and news for the remainder of the season.
Week 13 was a short week and extra short at Rocky Point due to blasting for two days. All we had time for was about an hour and a half of observations before we had to leave. Highlight bird of the week, Nashville Warbler, came on the very last day to treat the dedicated crew at Rocky Point. Geese and duck migration gave us a show at both stations during the rainy days, which was unfortunately most of the last week.
Marsh Wren (Liam Singh) |
The last week of the season at Rocky Point packed in some excitement despite it only being 4 days long. The regular fall visitors were present to wrap up the season with 19 Pacific Wrens, 50 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 22 Fox Sparrows and 22 Golden-crowned sparrows bringing season total for each to 100, 285, 237 and 265 respectively. The most-caught sparrow of the season was a tight race but White-crowned Sparrows (Puget Sound variety) narrowly edged out Golden-crowns 269 to 265 with Fox sparrows coming in third with 237. One of those Fox Sparrows this week was a red morph, which is only the third record for RPBO with the second coming a couple weeks ago at Pedder Bay. Last week saw one last Pacific-slope Flycatcher banded bringing the season total to 239, a single late Swainson’s Thrush and three more Steller’s Jays to finish the season with 39. The highlight of the week however, was a Nashville Warbler. This hatch-year female was caught in net 10 on the second last net check of the season, talk about leaving things to the last minute! Rocky Point's season total for new bands is 3576 and 643 recaptures.
Red Fox Sparrow (David Bell) |
Duck migration was in full swing the last few days of banding with Long-tailed Duck, Greater Scaup new for the season as well as huge numbers of dabblers and divers. On the 17th the crew counted 320 American Wigeon, 360 Northern Pintail, 450 Green-winged Teal and 425 Surf Scoters as well as many other species of duck. Brants are here as well as Dunlin, Red-breasted Merganser and a few Northern Fulmars have been spotted. David Bell also found a Sooty Grouse during one of the days when banding was cancelled due to blasting on the 15th. A Rough-legged Hawk was also seen flying right over the station on the 17th.
Female Cooper's Hawk (Samuelle Simard-Provençal) |
Pedder Bay’s last week also saw its share of highlights. Regular fall birds included 28 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 42 Fox Sparrows and 15 Golden-crowned Sparrows bringing season totals for each to 169, 403 and 199 respectively. The sparrow race at Pedder Bay wasn’t nearly as close as Rocky Point with Fox Sparrows the clear frontrunner at 403, second and third went to Golden-crowned Sparrow (199) and White-crowned Sparrow (171 of the Puget Sound variety). Highlights for the week included another female Cooper’s Hawk, three more Anna’s Hummingbirds bringing the season total to 91 and a late Hutton’s Vireo, only the fourth of the season. The Hutton's Vireo was caught along with a Ruby-crowned Kinglet for an awesome comparison. Pedder Bay's season total for new bands is 2987 and 723 recaptures.
Two different species... Who's who? (Rebecca Reader-Lee) |
Northern Shoveler, Red-necked Grebe, Western Grebe, and Ancient Murrelet were all added to the observations for the season at Pedder Bay. Also, a mysterious turkey was spotted near net 13 after the Thanksgiving long weekend…
Mystery turkey washed into the estuary (Rebecca Golat) |
Turkey eating a turkey? (Rebecca Reader-Lee) |
Picked clean (Rebecca Golat) |
Once again I would like to thank all of the volunteers who came out this season rain or shine. You not only make this project possible, you make it so much fun!